Psychiatria pre prax 2/2009

Podávanie psychofarmák počas gravidity – tymoprofylaktiká a antipsychotiká (2. časť)

Second part of the article is concentrated on the principles of application of tymoprofylactics (tymostabilisators) and antipsychotics during pregnancy. Psychopharmacological drugs are divided from a risk point of view in accordance with classification FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Majority of psychotropic drugs are in group C, that means risk can not be excluded. In conclusion there is one minicase report describing therapy of 34-years old woman with diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, using olanzapin. Before the planning gravidity, olanzapin was substituted by clozapíne, we contacted with clinical pharmacologict and gynaecologist

Keywords: pregnancy, tymoprofylactics, antipsychotics, safety and risks of therapy