Psychiatria pre prax 2–3/2010

Pathogenesis of addiction

Dependence is a complex chronic desease of CNS, the creation reasons of which are multifactorial. A lot of different views on origin and background of addiction as a desease exist. Addiction is a complex interdisciplinary problem, therefore more than one explanation of addictive behaviour origin can be found in a specialized literature. Despite the fact that preference is given to biological theories currently, also other theses play an important role in searching for predisposited factors of a desease called addiction. During the ambulatory treatment it is surely difficult to cover all factors responsible for starting long term abuse, addiction. It is complicated to eliminate them through pharmacological or psychological way or prevent them. This article should offer a short and transparent excursion to the roots of dependence and thus enable a subsequent search for an efficient therapy.

Keywords: discent approach, homeostasis codependence, macro environment, micro environment, NAc, Piaget, attachement theory, transaction analysis, trigger.