Paliperidón palmitát – injekčné antipsychotikum s dlhodobým účinkom. Základná charakteristika s dôrazom na praktické používanie // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 2/2012

Paliperidone palmitate – long-acting injectable antipsychotic. Basic characteristics with emphasis on clinical use

Paliperidone palmitate (Xeplion®) is the long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotic with approved indication for maintenance treatment of schizophrenia. In practical use it is of great importance to follow the recommended dosage schedule at the start of treatment. The first injection of 150 mg and the second injection of 100 mg (which is scheduled on the 8th day after the first one) should be applied to deltoid muscle. These two injections result in plasmatic concentration of paliperidone which allows the treatment without supplemental peroral medication in the early phase of treatment. In long-term, double-blind, placebo-controlled study and in studies with risperidone LAI as a comparator, the efficacy of paliperidone palmitate applied in monthly intervals for reduction of relapses was confirmed. Tolerability of paliperidone palmitate is good and is predictable from the mechanism of effect.

Keywords: paliperidone palmitate, schizophrenia, maintenance treatment.