Psychiatria pre prax 2–3/2010

Olanzapine pamoate, a depot formulation of an atypical antipsychotic

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder and patients with schizophrenia are practically dependent on the treatment throughout their life. The compliance of patient could be better or worse in association with any disease. In regard to long-term disorders the adherence to therapy declines with time. Depot medication helps to maintain consistent plasmatic concentration of the drug, predictable bioavailability; it eliminates further the risk of intentionally or unintentionally overdosing and of the hidden non-adherence (intentional or not intentional) and enables to identify patients, who reject administration of injection or forget to take it again. Olanzapine pamoate monohydrate (picture 1) is a depot atypical antipsychotic, available in 210 mg, 300 mg or 405 mg vial. It is indicated for maintenance therapy of adults with schizophrenia sufficiently stabilised by oral olanzapine in acute therapy. The drug is administrated deeply intramuscularly every two or four weeks.

Keywords: olanzapine depot, post-injection syndrome, schizophrenia, adherence.