Metamfetamín ako „vzťahový objekt“ a erotický symbol? // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 3/2012

Methamphetamine as „relational object“ and erotic symbol?

This is a clinical case of young 19 years old female patient with severe addiction to methamphetamine, which is administered intravenously, in several doses per day and experiencing withdrawal symptomps after several hours without the drug effect. The drug has led her to prostitution, which in turn destroys her life and relationships. Though methamphetamine is idealized and its application erotically perceived. This situation – symptomatic combination leads to the established way of life and in herself or in her area the patient is not motivated to change.

Keywords: methamphetamine, pervitin, relational object, erotic object, senzualization, sexualization, addiction.