Psychiatria pre prax 2/2017

The correction of erectile dysfunction with Pycnogenol during the treatment of depression and its relationship to oxidative stress

The aim of this work is to provide an overview to the beginning of the erectile dysfunction after serving antidepressants, to relationship of depression, to erectile dysfunction and to oxidative stress as an imbalance between the free radicals and antioxidants. In the next part of this work we describe the role of Nitric Oxide in mechanism of erectile function, depression and the possibility of their therapeutical influence especially with the focus on correction of oxidative stress by means of antioxidants as polyphenols and flavonoids represented by nutritional supplement Pycnogenol. Finally the authors provide 2 case reports.

Keywords: erectile dysfunction, depression, antidepressants, flavonoids, NO − Nitric Oxide, Pycnogenol