Psychiatria pre prax 3/2017

Clozapine in the treatment of bipolar disorder

The growing number of studies shows that clozapine is useful in the treatment of mood disorders either with psychotic symptoms or without psychotic symptoms, and especially in the treatment of resistant bipolar disorder. It has been found that the use of clozapine in bipolar disorder is significantly associated with a reduced number of psychiatric hospitalization reduction additives psychotropics and minor pumping health care due to self-harming or overdose. It is highly likely that clozapine has strong mood stabilizing effects. Clozapine has more than other antipsychotics, specific “anti-aggressive effect” and has sedative effects also. Antiaggressive effect of clozapine is mediated by multiple paths. The rapid mood stabilizing effect of clozapine is fast, and may be related to its antiaggressive effect. In addition, anti-aggressive advantages clozapine continue yet months after the acute phase of treatment.

Keywords: bipolar disorder, tratment, clozapine, mood stabillisers, antipsychotics