Psychiatria pre prax 3/2001

Hyperkinetic disorders

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a diagnostic unit appearing in all age categories – from childhood to adult age where it typically combines with social maladaptation and crime. Late neural development, due to stressful life situations resulting in a vulnerability of the individual, i.e. minimal organic harm and accumulation of external stressors leads to maladaptive behaviour with a high psychiatric comorbidity. In hyperkinetic patients it is from the behavioral point of view classified as a disorder of executive (self-regulatory) functions. The imaging techniques reveal a defected regulation of cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit with almost zero right-left asymmetry. In school age a successful therapy combines psychostimulants and a cognitive-behavioural therapy.

Keywords: hyperkinetic disorders, diagnostic criteria, comorbidity disorders, imaging techniques, therapy.