Psychiatria pre prax 4/2022

Factors affecting cooperation in the treatment of schizophrenia − a pilot study

In this pilot study, we investigate cooperation in the treatment of schizophrenia and map factors that can potentially influence it. In doing so, we were particularly interested in the perspective of patients themselves, who are an often omitted segment in factor mapping. The research part is based on a qualitative approach. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews with 7 patients with schizophrenia and 2 psychiatrists. Data analysis and interpretation were performed through thematic analysis. Identified supportive factors were related not only to the patient (insight, awareness of the disease, awareness of the need for treatment, patient attitude towards treatment, specific motivation to continue treatment), but also to the patient‘s environment (social support, favorable psychosocial environment) and the treatment itself (openness in communication, good relationship with the physician, satisfaction with treatment). Negative factors were partly related to the absence of supportive factors (anosognosia, lack of information, lack of social support, unfavorable psychosocial environment), but independent factors were also identified (negative experiences with healthcare, side effects of treatment, paranoia, shorter duration of illness or use of psychoactive substances). In conclusion, we focus on factors that can be partially influenced by the treating staff.

Keywords: schizophrenia, cooperation in treatment, adherence, factors, thematic analysis