Escitalopram: nové klinické poznatky // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 2/2013

Escitalopram: new clinical findings

This short overview is aimed at new clinical findings in escitalopram treatment. Studies published within a period of past two years were focused at pooled analyses comparing escitalopram with new antidepressants (agomelatine and SNRI), efficacy and safety in older and somatically ill patients (breast cancer, asthma bronchiale, acute coronary syndrome, vasomotor symptoms in menopause). The positive effect of escitalopram on gray matter volume has been documented in patients with panic disorder. Escitalopram treatment can be eased by the new form of orodispersible tablets.

Keywords: escitalopram, agomelatine, SNRI, antidepressants, breast cancer, asthma bronchiale, acute coronary syndrome, vasomotor symptoms in menopause.