Efektivní KBT u neefektivní Petry? // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax 3/2017

Effective CBT and ineffective Petra – case study

The article presents a case study of a depressive client treated by the cognitive behavioral approach in psychotherapy (CBT). Petra was not sufficiently supported by her father and her mother was emotionally unstable. There was a hypothesis: her family which was more cold-hearted and focused on effectivity created in Petra inner conviction: „I am not good enough“. It was activated during the period in which she was considerably ignored by her mother. Within the therapeutic process were applied especially methods of planned and progressive increase of activity, cognitive restructuring and therapeutic letters. Self-reflection of the therapist and the complications within the therapeutic process are presented in the article as well.

Keywords: case study, depression, cognitive behavioral therapy, self-reflection of the therapist