Psychiatria pre prax 2/2022

Detention and Slovakia’s first Detention facility

Long-term detention is the strictest measure of restraint, with the status of ultima ratio, it is applied only after all other less restrictive measures have been exhausted. In long-term detention a special treatment regime and isolation prevents the offender from continuing to commit crimes and offenses. The court will order long-term detention if the prisoner becomes ill with an incurable mental illness and his continued liberty is dangerous to others. The court may also decide on detention if the perpetrator: refuses to undergo protective treatment (PT) or because of his negative attitude; PT does not fulfill its purpose and the offender’s continued liberty represents a danger to society; the perpetrator has commited a sexual crime; the perpetrator has repeatedly comitted violent crimes. Detention lasts until the protection of society can be ensured by more lenient means. Long-term detention was introduced into our legal system on 1 January 2006. The commissioning of the first detention center in Slovakia in Hronovce is scheduled for 1 November 2022. The Hronovce Detention facility has 75 beds and is divided into three organizational units: 1. detention, 2. detention-resocialization, 3. resocialization-detention. In a preliminary survey, 134 candidates for placement in a detention facility were identified.

Keywords: detention, detention facility, dangerous offender, mental ill offender, protective treatment, protective measures