Psychiatria pre prax 5–6/2010

Depot olanzapine and its utilisation in practice

Since discovery of first antipsychotic pharmacological treatment in 1950s schizophrenic patients and psychiatrist deal with noncompliance. Non-compliance is an important issue in managing schizophrenia that leads to an increased likelihood of relapse which is associated with adverse clinical, social and economic consequences. The first depot neuroleptic drug introduced in 1964 fluphenazine can have (at least with some patients) significant impact on treatment when administrated in sufficient dose of antipsychotic medication. Drug development during the last decade brings out a new generation of antipsychotic depot medication (currently available long-acting risperidon and depot form of olanzapine). They are more efficient and have fewer adverse side effects compare to first generation. Also its benefit is coupled with several week interval of depot administration which leads to better compliance.

Keywords: depot atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine, compliance.