Psychiatria pre prax 2/2007

Delirium in advanced age

Delirium in elderly patients remains frequently undiagnosed. It is caused mainly by missing its frequent hypoactive form or substitution for behavior disorders in dementia. That is why we examine cognitive function in every elderly patient to discover and treat delirium early. It is necessary to keep precautions that can decrease the risk of development of delirium by up to one third. The most important component of treatment is a removal of its cause. If it is necessary to decrease the agitation of a patient, we prefer most frequently to use tiaprid or haloperidol in recommended doses, eventually the treatment is widened by benzodiazepines with short excretory half-life. The article summarizes some basic information about delirium and focuses mainly on the examination and treatment.

Keywords: delirium, hypoactive form, therapeutic and treatment precautions, examination, treatment of delirium.