Psychiatria pre prax 4/2021

„I was like a spike“ – case study of healthcare proffesional‘s exhaustive syndrome during COVID-19 pandemic

Pages of many professional publications are dedicated to reports about COVID-19 effects and impacts on our patients. However, very little is told about its effects and impacts on us, healthcare professionals. We hear a lot about how we are the ones in the front line, but what does it really mean? I would like to present the impact of long term stress exposure on acute deterioration of my patient›s mental health. What would happen if we ourselves became psychiatric patients? The current situation shows us how thin the line is between helping someone and being the one who needs help. The case study also underlines how important is mental and physical support to healthcare professionals (not only) during pandemic. From my point of view, the lack of interest in human beings as such is as severe a threat as a pandemic itself.

Keywords: exhaustive syndrome, psychosis, COVID-19