Psychiatria pre prax 1/2019

Antidepressant medication in pedopsychiatry

Antidepressants are used for a variety psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents and also the most effective in treating depression. Fluoxetine is the only antidepressant approved for treating moderate and severe depression in pediatric population, with three positive randomized control trials. However, considerably more evidence based antidepressant medications (as „off-label“ drugs) than officially approved antidepressants (according to State Institute for Drug Control) for psychiatric disorders in pediatric population are used. This fact is important for clinical practice in pedopsychiatry. Recently, the number of non-responders young patients to officially approved antidepressants for depression or other psychiatric disorders has been increased. The article reviewed limitations and using of officially approved antidepressants in comparision to evidence based antidepressant treatments for psychiatric disorders in children and adolescent age.

Keywords: antidepressants, clinical trials, pediatric population