Psychiatria pre prax 3/2014

Anti-NMDAR encephalitis and schizophrenia, interesting penetrations and relation

Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies attack NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate)-type glutamate receptors. Over two-thirds of patients have prominent psychiatric symptoms, or may present to psychiatric services in the first instance. The psychiatric symptoms are those seen in schizophrenia including delusions, hallucinations, and catatonic movement disorder. Acutely ill patients with an initial schizophrenia diagnosis show an increased prevalence of NMDAR antibodies. There is growing evidence that a proportion of schizofrenia may be antibody mediated and psychiatrists need to start to consider this aetiology in presentation of first-episode psychosis.

Keywords: NMDAreceptor, autoimmune, acute psychosis, schizophrenia.