Psychiatria pre prax 3/2013

Diagnosis and treatment of alcoholic liver disease

Alcohol is on the 3rd place among preventabile risk factors of health in Europe. The save limit of alcohol consume doesn´t exist according EASL guidelines. Daily consumation of 25 g of alcohol increases the risk of cirrhosis and breast carcinoma. Questionaires (CAGE, AUDIT, AUDIT C) are essential tools for alcohol abuse detection. Their application in the broad health service is essential. The basis of the treatment is achievement of abstinence with help of psychiatrist. Other methods are only supportive. Maddrey index or Glasgow score are useful in decision of corticoid/pentoxifylin treatment in alcoholic hepatitis and Lille score for detection of nonresponders to corticosteroids. Liver transplantation is the last chance and it is possible after 6-month abstinence interval. Prognosis is much better, when abuse is closed.

Keywords: alcohol liver lesion, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis.