Psychiatria pre prax // SOLEN

Psychiatria pre prax

Psychiatria pre prax

2024 1 2 3 4
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2020 1 2 3 4
2019 1 2 3 4
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2016 1 2 3 4
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2013 1 2 3 4
2012 1 2 3 4
2011 1 2 3 4
2010 1 2–3 4 5–6
2009 1 2 3 4 5 6
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2006 1 2 3 4 5 6
2005 1 2 3 4 5 6
2004 1 2 3 4 5 6
2003 1 2 3 4 5 6
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2001 1 2 3 4 5
2000 1 2 3

Psychiatria pre prax

2024 S1
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2021 S1 S2 S3
2016 S1e
2015 S1 S2
2014 S1 S2
2013 S1
2012 S1
2011 S1
selection from articles

Psychiatria pre prax is a journal that provides an overview of psychiatric diagnostic and treatment practices, as well as insights into diseases related to psychiatry. It offers sought-after contributions in the form of original papers and case reports, along with current information from various clinical settings. The journal also includes up-to-date articles on drugs and drug classes in psychopharmacology, interdisciplinary papers, as well as information and reports from domestic and international professional events. Moreover, the journal dedicates space to articles addressing legal, ethical, and social issues in the practice of psychiatry.

The target audience of the journal mainly includes clinical and outpatient psychiatrists, psychotherapists, physicians from related fields, and anyone seeking the latest knowledge in the field of psychiatry.

Chairman of the Editorial Board:

Mgr. MUDr. Jozef Dragašek, PhD., MHA

Members of the Editorial Board:

MUDr. Ivan André, PhD., MPH, MHA
MUDr. Dagmar Breznoščáková, Ph.D.
MUDr. Milena Drímalová, CSc.
doc. MUDr. Ľubomíra Izáková, PhD.
MUDr. Branislav Moťovský, PhD.
MUDr. Ludvík Nábělek, PhD.
doc. MUDr. Igor Ondrejka, PhD.
MUDr. Michal Patarák, PhD.
prof. MUDr. Ján Pečeňák, CSc.
MUDr. Marek Zelman

Broader editorial board:

MUDr. Pavel Doubek
prof. MUDr. Ivana Drtílková, CSc.
MUDr. Vlasta Hanušková
MUDr. Erik Herman, Ph.D.
prof. MUDr. Ladislav Hosák, Ph.D.
MUDr. Jozef Chval
MUDr. Vladislav Chvála
MUDr. Luboš Janů, Ph.D.
doc. MUDr. Roman Jirák, CSc.
prof. doc. MUDr. Tomáš Kašpárek, Ph.D.
MUDr. Miloslav Kopeček, Ph.D.
MUDr. Michal Maršálek, CSc.
MUDr. Karel Nešpor, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Ján Pavlov Praško, CSc.
doc. MUDr. Libuše Stárková, CSc.
MUDr. Jaroslav Vaněk
prof. MUDr. Alexandra Žourková, CSc.

SOLEN, s. r. o.

Ambrova 5
831 01 Bratislava

Editor in charge:

Mgr. Andrea Dúbravčíková

Mobile phone no.: +421 910 956 370

phone: +421 2 5413 1381


Marek Popaďák

Mobile phone no.: +421 902 170 347
phone: +421 2 5465 0647

Ján Kopčok


Manuscript must be submitted in electronic format via email to: and Submission of a printed manuscript is not required.

The Editorial team reserves the right to make minor stylistic adjustments to the text without consulting the author, who will be informed during the proofreading process. The editorial team also reserves the right to reject texts that do not align with the journal's concept or have not been approved through the peer review process. If necessary, the author's consent will be sought to shorten the manuscript. In case of any formal deficiencies, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.

The editors team reserve the right to self-manage the inclusion of unsolicited manuscripts that have passed the peer review process. Given the journal's practical focus, manuscripts should be written in a clear manner, emphasizing the practical application of the provided information in clinical practice.

Authors and co-authors are required to familiarize themselves with the rules of publication ethics, available in full on the journal's website. When submitting an article for publication, the main author must send a written declaration to the editorial office stating that the entire authorial collective is aware of the publication ethics rules and that there are no impediments to publishing the article. Legal relationships between the publisher and the author are governed by the provisions of the Copyright Act.


Main Theme and Review Articles The latest insights into etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and disease groups. Maximum length is 8 pages. The article may include figures (graphs) or tables, with a maximum of 6. In the case of extensive topics, it is possible to divide the contribution into several parts, upon agreement with the editorial board. Emphasis should be places on the practical application of the article by psychiatrists and specialists from other fields interested in psychiatry.

Psychopharmacology Drug profiles, indications, interactions, adverse effects of medications, the therapeutic use of specific drugs (agents) in clinical practice, clinical trials (course, study results). Maximum length is 5 pages.

Interdisciplinary Discussions An interdisciplinary discussion, presenting different perspectives on a specific diagnosis or therapeutic approach from experts in various fields, discussing principles and issues of their collaboration.

Original Articles and Case Reports Studies, specific treatment approaches, original observations, interesting cases from own practice. Maximum length is 7 pages including attachments and cited literature. * Structure of an Original Article: abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods or patient group and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, literature. * Structure of a Case Report: abstract, keywords, introduction, description of the case (case report), discussion, conclusion, literature. The article should include information on why the case report deserves publication.

Outpatient Psychiatry News, updates, and practice recommendations.

Psychotherapy Psychotherapeutic approaches, their application in practice, own cases – case reports.

In Brief Diagnostics and therapy presented in tables and schemes with emphasis on clarity and practical application of the given information.

Information and Comments Reactions to review articles, interesting topics from foreign press, reviews, presentation of interesting projects, studies, observations from domestic and foreign professional literature, proceedings, comments, contributions about ethical and social issues.

Professional Events Reports and observations from professional (domestic and foreign) events providing specific information, practical outputs, notes for practice, guidelines. Maximum length of the contribution: 3-4 pages.

Law in Psychiatry Legal issues – their impact on therapeutic practice, current legal regulations. Maximum length is 3-5 pages depending on the nature of the contribution.

Online Supplement * Articles undergo professional peer review and proofreading. * All published solicited articles are honored. * Articles are provided for review to advertising partners.

Contributions must be submitted with the required particulars, always in electronic form, via email or on a CD to the publisher's address. Submission of manuscripts in printed form is not required. The editorial team reserves the right to make minor stylistic adjustments to the text without consulting the author, who will be informed during the proofreading process. The editorial team also reserves the right to reject texts that do not fit the concept of the journal or have not been approved through the peer review process. If necessary, the author's consent will be sought for shortening the manuscript. Manuscripts with formal deficiencies will be returned to the author for revision.

** The Editorial Board reserves the right to manage the inclusion of unsolicited manuscripts that have undergone the peer review process. Given the practical focus of the journal, we kindly request that contributions be written comprehensibly, with an emphasis on the practical application of the provided information in clinical practice. ** Both the author and co-authors are obliged to familiarize themselves with the rules of publication ethics, which are available in full on the journal's website. When submitting the article for publication, the main author must send a written statement to the editorial team stating that the entire authorial collective is aware of the publication ethics rules and that there is no impediment to publishing the article. Legal relationships between the publisher and the author are governed by the provisions of the Copyright Act.

  • Title of the paper in Slovak and English - concise, up to 10 words, capturing the essence of the article
  • Name of the main author with titles, affiliation, complete address including telephone and email contact
  • Names of co-authors with titles and their affiliations
  • Brief and concise abstract of the submitted work in Slovak and English + approximately 5 keywords in both languages.
  • In original articles, the abstract should be divided into the following sections: Objective/Introduction, Materials and Methods or Patients and Methods, Results, Conclusion. The English abstract (summary) is structured and adapted to the nature of the article, just like in the Slovak language: Purpose; Material and methods or Patients and methods; Results; Conclusion.
  • In case reports, the abstract should be divided into the following sections: Purpose, Case, Conclusion. The English abstract (summary) is structured and adapted to the nature of the article, just like in the Slovak language: Purpose; Case; Conclusion.
  • Text + tables or graphs and images must be provided as separate attachments in the highest possible quality with accurate captions (maximum 5 tables and 5 images clearly marked with their placement in the text).
  • List of cited literature, up to 20 citations, listed and numbered chronologically in the text. Preference will be given to articles that cite and refer to works published in the journal Psychiatry for practice.

Bibliographic references in the text should be indicated by numbers in round brackets and in the order they are first cited (not alphabetically). Subsequent references to the same source are indicated by the same number as the first mention. When listing references at the end of the text, include up to 3 authors' names. For more than 3 authors, list the first 3 authors followed by the abbreviation et al. When citing authors in the text itself (e.g., Culine et al. compared...), consistently use the "et al." abbreviation throughout the text and in the list of references. Also, provide a reference to the list of references after the cited author (e.g., Culine et al. (15) compared...). Avoid references to abstracts, unpublished observations, and personal communications. Prefer recent citations (from the last 3 years). The formatting of bibliographic references should adhere to the citation style used in the MEDLINE/PUBMED databases.

Examples of citing a monograph: 1. Stoler RJ. Sex and gender. London, UK: Hogarth; 196B. 2. Brüne M. Evolučná psychiatria (Pôvod psychopatológie). Trenčín, Slovakia: Vydavateľstvo F; 2012.

** Examples of citing a chapter in a book or a contribution in a conference proceedings:** 1. Vevera J. Komunikace s agresivním pacientem. In: Ptáček R, Bartůněk P. Etika a komunikace v medicíně. Praha, Czech Republic: Grada; 2011:381-387. 2. Zucker KJ. Gender identity disorders. In: Wolfe D, Mash E, eds. Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescent. New York, NY: Guilford; 2006:535-562.

** Examples for citing an article from a journal:** 1. Dragašek J, Líšková S. Zmeny metabolických parametrov pri liečbe ziprasidónom. Psychiatr. prax. 2011;12(2):69-74. 2. Reck K, Stehle E, Reinig K, et al. Maternity bluses as a predictor of DSM-IV depression and axiety disorders in the first three months postpartum. J Affect Disord. 2009; 113(1−2):77-87.

** Example of citing an electronic article:** 1. Rasmussen HN, Scheier MF, Greenhouse JB. Optimism and physical health: a meta-analytic review [online]. Ann Behav Med. 2009;37(3):239-256. Available from: Accessed August 27, 2009. For more detailed instructions on creating citations and bibliographic references, visit:

  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5,
  • The total number of pages depending on the type of contribution.
  • Divide the article into smaller and more readable sections, and use subheadings and simple divisions if necessary. For original articles and case reports, adhere to the required structure described in manuscript requirements.
  • All abbreviations must be explained at their first use.
  • Parenthesis should always be round ().
  • Domesticated foreign expressions should be written either in accordance with the rules of Slovak orthography or in their original Latin form.
  • In the text, clearly indicate references to all graphical representations, tables, or charts, which should be created using MS Word or MS Excel.
  • For all types of contributions (reviews, original articles, and case reports), please ensure that the text adheres to the general rules of formal Slovak language appropriate for professional publications. For instance, when describing a case in a case report, use complete sentences with full verbs, not in a bullet-point or list format as in laboratory test results. Texts intended for review must be grammatically and stylistically correct.
  • A portrait photograph of the author (if there are multiple co-authors, only the main author, or the author whose contact will be provided at the end of the article).
  • A statement declaring that the article has not been published or offered for publication in any other journal.
  • A statement confirming that the author and co-authors have familiarized themselves with the publication ethics guidelines (available in full on the journal's website) and that there are no obstacles to the publication of the article.
  • A declaration of any potential conflicts of interest by the author.
  • A portrait photograph of the author (if there are multiple co-authors, only the main author, or the author whose contact will be provided at the end of the article).
  • A statement declaring that the article has not been published or offered for publication in any other journal.
  • A statement confirming that the author and co-authors have familiarized themselves with the publication ethics guidelines (available in full on the journal's website) and that there are no obstacles to the publication of the article.
  • A declaration of any potential conflicts of interest by the author.

The following text expresses standards of ethical behavior of all parties participating in the process of publishing articles in Solen, s.r.o. journals: the author, the editor, the editorial board, the reviewer, the publisher.

The basis for these guidelines is the already existing policy of Elsevier publishing company and The Best Practice Guidlines for Journal Editors issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Decision-making regarding publishing of articles: The editor of the Solen company journals is responsible for decisions on which of the accepted articles will be published. The final decision on publication lies with the editorial board based on independent, double-blind review reports. The editor acts in compliance with the policy of the editorial board of the journal and with the legislation that comes into effect in the case of libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The editor may consult their decisions with the editorial board or with the reviewers.

Fair play: The editor evaluates the manuscript according to its intellectual content regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnical origin, citizenship and nationality, or the authors` philosophies.

Discrecy/secrecy: Neither the editor nor any member of the editorial board is allowed to disclose any information on the received manuscript to anyone else than to the respective author, the reviewer, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors and to the publisher.

Review reports: A double-blind review process helps to increase the scientific quality of the articles and helps the editor in making decisions on inclusion of the article for publication.

The reviewer`s eligibility: The reviewer should notify the editor if they do not feel sufficiently qualified for the article evaluation, and thus excuse themselves from the review process.

Discrecy/secrecy: Every manuscript received for a review must be regarded as a confidential document and must not be shown nor discussed with persons not involved in the publishing process.

Objectivity: Reviews must be carried out objectively. Personal critical statements against the author`s personality are not acceptable. The reviewers are to state their opinions clearly and back them up with relevant arguments.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest: Information or ideas and thoughts attained from the reviews must be regarded as confidential and must not be used for personal benefit. The reviewers should not evaluate a manuscript in which a conflict of interest occurs, rising from competitivness, created in cooperation or other relationship or connections with the author, company, or institutions connected with the article.

Quality of the article: Each article must include detailed information and references that enable the reader to replicate the data. An article based on a research must include an exact record of the presented piece of work as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The condition for publishing clinical research is that the methods used must comply with the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and are approved by a relevant ethical committee. The same rules must be respected also by a work based on experiments on animals. Improper or knowingly inaccurate statements mean unethical behavior and are not acceptable.

Originality and plagiarism: Only original works and articles, which have not been published anywhere else yet, nor have they been sent for publication to any other journal, are accepted for publication. If the author uses a work or words of any other author, this must be properly cited. If a picture documentation published anywhere else is re-printed, the original source must be cited and a written consent of the owner of the exclusive rights must be properly presented. Any form of plagiarism represents unethical publication behavior and will not be acceptable.

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication: Generally speaking, the author should not publish a manuscript describing the same research in more than one journal or an original publication. Accepting the same manuscript into more than one journal shows unethical behavior and is not acceptable.

Acknowledgment of sources: Authors should cite those publications that might be significant for determining the nature of the article. Information gained on a personal basis, eg. in a conversation, correspondence, in a discussion with third parties, cannot be used or published without the statement (written consent) of the source.

Authorship of the article: The authorship should only relate to those who significantly contributed to the concept, design, execution, or interpretation of the presented study or article. All those who contributed to the article or study should be cited as co-authors. Those who participated in partial and important aspects of the particular project (research, article) should be cited or recorded as contributors. The author will ensure that all suitable co-authors are included in the article and that they have approved the final version and agreed on its submission for publication.

Conflicts of interest: In their manuscript, the authors must state all the financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could be interpreted as impacting the results or interpretation of the manuscript. All the resources of the financial support must be disclosed.

Fundamental errors in published works: If the author finds a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their duty to notify the fact to the editor immediately and to become involved in removal or correction of the article.