Vulvovaginitidy – záněty vulvy a pochvy // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 1/2012

Vulvovaginitides – inflammations of the vulva and vagina

Vulvovaginitis, an inflammation of the vulva and vagina, is one of the most common diseases in sexually active women. Typical symptoms of vulvovaginitides include vulvovaginal discomfort, i.e. discharge, vulvar itching and burning, and dyspareunia. Vulvovaginitis occurs when the balance of the vaginal ecosystem is disturbed. Successful treatment must be based on correct diagnosis and adequate treatment. Not uncommonly, chronic and recurrent vulvar and vaginal infections remain a challenging problem. Thus, strict adherence to hygiene and lifestyle measures is essential. Furthermore, products to restore the natural vaginal flora, systemic enzyme therapy products or other immune-boosting agents can be used. Of major importance is prevention and proper treatment of vulvovaginitides in pregnancy.

Keywords: vulvovaginitis, Lactobacillus species, vulvovaginal discomfort, vaginal ecosystem, discharge.