Praktické lekárnictvo 1/2024

Self-treatment of diarrheal diseases in children – what to recommend in the pharmacy

Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is one of the most common causes of infectious diseases. The treatment of all gastroenteritis is based on early care for rehydration and properly set dietary measures. Rehydration is especially important in children, but not always easy, because intestinal infections, especially viral ones, often initially accompany vomiting. Oral rehydration solution administered in frequent appropriate doses, followed by refeeding, is the optimal treatment. Supportive treatments are adsorbents, gelatin tannate and probiotics. Targeted ATB treatment is given only in indicated cases.

Keywords: acute gastroenteritis (AGE), oral rehydration solution (ORS), rehydration, realimentation, intestinal adsorbence, gelatin tannate, probiotics, loperamide, racecadotril