Praktické lekárnictvo 2/2019

Feverfew tops in migraine phytotherapy

Migraine is a disease characterized by the attacks of short, pulsating, unilateral headache with accompanying symptoms. This disease in a certain episode of life paralyzes the circa of a tenth of the population. Treatment is predominantly pharmacological, but if it is not possible, phytotherapy is available, offering a traditional herbal remedy, the feverfew tops. The active ingredients are partenolides, belonging to a group of sesquiterpene lactones, which have anti-inflammatory activity, thrombocyte activity, and possess the ability to inhibit the binding of serotonin to their receptors. Its prophylactic antimigraine effects have been confirmed in several clinical trials, as well. Except for a strong allergic potential, the plant is relatively safe. The Committee for Herbal Medicinal Products (member of EMA) indicate feverfew as a traditional herbal medicine for the prophylaxis of migraine headaches (after serious medical condition exclusion by medical doctor).

Keywords: feverfew, migraine, parthenolide, headaches, Tanacetum parthenium