Praktické lekárnictvo 4/2021

Propolis as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent

Propolis is a multicomponent product of bees containing a number of biologically active substances. The composition of propolis varies a lot, depending on seasonal conditions, time of collection, and plant resources available to collecting bees. It contains a variety of phenolic substances, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. Propolis has traditionally been used to treat a wide range of diseases; however, major interest is focused on its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects. For practical use, the most common technique of processing propolis is washing with water and ethanol extraction in order to produce a propolis balm that, due to the removal of hydrophilic compounds and pollen grains, exhibits lower rates of allergic reactions. Overall, propolis is a safe product and can be used as a supplement to classic treatment.

Keywords: propolis, phenols, anti-inflammatory effect, antibacterial effect