Praktické lekárnictvo 2/2013

Natural products for pain joints, bone and muscles

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described as such. Pain is always subjective and represents an extremely complex phenomenon. In nature there are many medicinal plants, which are effective in the treatment of pain (analgesia), although the mechanism of action still remain unclear. It is due to the fact that usually whole plant extracts, not only the active substances are used. Currently a large number of patients pay attention to the natural substances for their self-medication and the effectiveness is demonstrated by a number of studies. Actually, for sore joints, bones and muscles are recommended the extracts of white Willow, Indian frankincense, Ginger, Devil’s claw, Comfrey, Arnica. Capsaicin from Chili Peppers and Menthol of peppermint oil are very effective and popular as well.

Keywords: pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis, herbal analgesics.