Nové možnosti v léčbě bakteriální vaginózy a vaginálního dyskomfortu // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 4/2011

New possibilities in treating bacterial vaginosis and vaginal discomfort

Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common of vaginal infections in women of childbearing age. It is characterised by an overgrowth of predominantly anaerobic organisms in the vagina leading to a replacement of lactobacilli and an increase in vaginal pH. Current treatment of bacterial vaginosis consists in metronidazole, preferably by oral route, or in a topical cream of clindamycin. However, these treatments do not automatically restore a normal flora characterised by a high concentration of lactobacilli, which facilitates relapses and recurrences. Femibion® Intima, a new medication, which contains of specific prebiotics and red clover plant extract, appears to be effective in restoring the vaginal flora after the treatment for a BV episode.

Keywords: vaginal inflammatory diseases, bacterial vaginosis, léčba, lactobacilli, probiotics, prebiotics, restoration of the vaginal flora.