Možnosti fytofarmak při zvládání chronického stresu // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 3/2022

Using phytopharmaceuticals in the management of chronic stress

Stress is currently considered a major threat to public health. The use of phytopharmaceuticals is one of the ways of managing distinct stress symptoms. Golden root extract (Rhodiola rosea) is a herbal medicinal product that is directly indicated to relieve the symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, feelings of weakness and exhaustion. Before starting hypnotics, it is worth trying medicinal plants with a sedative effect, which particularly include valerian, lemon balm, common hop, purple passionflower, or St. John’s wort; lavender extract is a registered anxiolytic of plant origin.

Keywords: stress, herbal medicinal products, rhodiola, valerian, lavender