Lekárenská starostlivosť o pacientov s nespavosťou // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 3-4/2015

Pharmaceutical care of patients with insomnia

The present thesis deals with insomnia, and is drawn to the pharmacist and his role in the treatment of this diagnosis. First defines, classifies and describes insomnia, and then investigates the etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis of insomnia. Then it tries to assess the benefits and costs of health care for the treatment of insomnia. It analyzes the therapy of insomnia, at first non- pharmacological, then pharmacological which is broken down in detail. Because the work is especially about pharmaceutical care in insomnia, thoroughly describes the role of the pharmacist in therapy of insomnia. Finally, it is also mentioned various medicinal herbal drugs, nutritional supplements and other types of supportive treatment of insomnia. In conclusion of this thesis, there are mentioned findings about insomnia and related pharmaceutical care.

Keywords: insomnia, pharmaceutical care, pharmacotherapy.