Praktické lekárnictvo 3/2021

Hormonal contraception – awareness of the benefits and risks in the population

Hormonal contraception (HC) is a reversible method of protection against conception. The most significant effect of HC is the suppression of ovulation. Currently, one of the most widely used methods of protection against pregnancy is combined HC. We create a questionnaire that examines women’s awareness of the possible positive and negative effects of HAK. We had this questionnaire filled in by the respondents in 2017 and in 2020 and we compared the number with each other. There is a growing awareness in our population about the side effects of hormonal contraception, which is a positive trend. Nevertheless, the myth of the effect of hormonal contraception on fertility persists. The level of awareness of the benefits of hormonal contraception is still low and many women are unaware of the temporality of the most common side effects such as breast tenderness and unplanned bleeding. Every drug, and hormonal contraception is no exception, carries a burden in the form of positive and negative side effects. Proper examination and selection of the most suitable contraceptive preparation is an essential condition for minimizing the risk of serious complications. Adequate education of hormonal contraception users is an important part of gynecologist’s work improving compliance.

Keywords: hormonal contraception, side effects and benefits