Praktické lekárnictvo 4/2012

Phytoestrogens ant their use in menopause

In climacterium arise significant hormonal changes in the woman’s body. These changes begin approximately between age 40 to 50 and ends around age 65. The reduction of the production of sex hormones results in a number of symptoms that are typical for this period and affect the quality of woman’s life. The symptoms are varied and have individual administration between women. Hormonal changes are associated with reducing the function of the ovaries produce sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone). Many gynaecologists recommend substituting missing hormones during menopause. We are talking about hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Due to the potential side effects of hormone therapy, menopausal women increasingly prefer using of natural substances called phytoestrogens (isoflavones, lignans, cumestans), whose effects are similar to the effects of natural female sex hormones. A rich source of phytoestrogens is Black cohosh, Vitex, Red clover, Wild Yam, Soybean, flax and others.

Keywords: menopause, phytoestrogenes, isoflavones, lignans.