Praktické lekárnictvo 2/2013

Pharmacotherapy of chronic venous insufficiency – current condition

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) belongs to widespread civilization disease. It is a progressive disease of the venous system of lower limbs. The origin of CVI appears to be multifactorial and embodies combination of instrinsic factor (genetic predisposition) and extrinsic factors. The following are considered to be relevant risk factor age, positive family history, female gender, multiparity (two or more childbirths) and obesity. The principal cause of CVI is reflux, obstruction in superficial veins, in perforators and in deep venous system. It renders an inability of vein of lower extremities to pump blood back to the heart. Thus venous hypertension originates with its impact on macrocirculation, microcirculation an on lymphatic veins. Treatment of CVI could be divided as conservative (life-style modification, compression treatment and drugs) and radical treatment (sclerotherapy, surgical treatment).

Keywords: chronic venous insufficiency, pharmacotherapy, venoactive drugs.