Praktické lekárnictvo 3/2012

Macular degeneration – herbal therapy and prevention

Around the world a huge part of the population suffers from eye diseases. It is important to understand that the degeneration of the eye structures depends on the age. It leads to the deterioration of the perception. Regardless of age, the prevention should be first and foremost. Macular degeneration (MD) is a frequent eye disease. Unfortunately, it is not known how it can be cured. However, there are therapeutic options for patients with MD how to slow down the progression in dependence on the stage and type of MD. Treatment is complicated and long, but this disease can be prevented, for example by the use of antioxidant and vasoactive substances and plant extracts. In the treatment and prevention of diseases of the eye are most applied carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamins, minerals and medicinal plants with their content. Among the most famous are bilberries, eyebright, gingko, carrot.

Keywords: macular degeneration, carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, Vaccinium, Ginkgo, Euphrasia.