Praktické lekárnictvo 1/2018

Biological effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and young barley leaves with possible use in the prevention of civilization diseases

Current research focused on the prevention of civilization diseases provides evidence of the beneficial effects of polyphenols or terpenoids on a wide range of biological effects in the cell. Plethora preclinical and clinical studies demonstrated that phytochemicals have the ability to influence bioactivation/deactivation of mutagens, cell signaling, cell cycle regulation, or angiogenesis. Their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects were already well-described. Benefits of a wide range of different phytochemicals found in nutraceuticals or plant functional foods stem from a combination of their multiple biological activities. Several studies suggest that the significant biological effects of plant natural substances have been the result of additive or synergistic effects of plethora phytochemicals and not only of the one compound. The rich sources of biologically active substances in the form of valuable phytochemicals are also so-called “green foods” such as Chlorella pyrenoidosa or young barley leaves. The consumption of these two nutraceuticals is very popular in Central Europe in recent years. For this reason, the purpose of this review article is to provide expert and broad public information on the important biological effects of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and young barley leaves on the human organism, focusing on their antioxidant and chelating effects in relation to most spread civilization diseases.

Keywords: civilization diseases, plant-based functional foods, phytochemicals, carotenoids, phenolics, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, young barley leaves