Bezpečnosť pacienta v nemocničnom prostredí // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 3/2017

Patient safety in hospital care

Patient safety is the right of the patient not to suffer unnecessary injury associated with health care. Common medical errors in hospital include incorrect preparation of the drugs, incorrect storage of the drugs, incorrect dosage at incorrect times, incorrect application technique and administration after the expiration date. The aim of this work is to provide information as well as ensure the correct use of parenteral antimicrobial drugs in healthcare institutions. It focuses on the reconstitution, route of administration, stability, storage, compatibility, incompatibility, adjustment of dosage for patients with renal and hepatic insufficiencies as well as patient safety during pregnancy and lactation.

Keywords: safety patient, pharmacovigilance, medical errors, European statements of hospital pharmacy, antimicrobial therapy, reconstitution of parenteral antimicrobial drugs