Praktické lekárnictvo 1/2018

Management of acute respiratory infections in children in community pharmacies

Most children get about 6 – 10 acute respiratory infections each year, in comparison with adults, where respiratory infections appear 2 – 4 times yearly at most. Based on easy access and professionality are community pharmacists and community pharmacies generally considered as a primary health contact. Community pharmacists are usually being approached by patients with their health issues in the first line, mostly by common minor ailments, such as ARI’s in children. Most of these infections are only mild, such as cold or cough and can be treated at home without the need of antibiotic treatment, but some infections could represent a risk of major disease, or other health complications, where ambulatory intervention, or even a hospital admission is required. The responsibility of the community pharmacists is to assess the severity of the symptoms and to decide, whether home treatment will be sufficient, or GPs referral is essential. This article provides an overview of ARI’s symptoms in children with a practical guideline with the warning signs for community pharmacists, in order to detect serious health issues, which require GPs referral or a hospital admission. Sensible consideration of the child’s health condition with exclusion of the warning signs by community pharmacists in the right time has got the potential to decrease unnecessary GPs visits and early identification and GPs referral of serious health conditions in joint collaboration of CPs and GPs.

Keywords: acute respiratory infections, pharmaceutical care, health conditions assessment, warning signs, referral for GPs assessment