Volně prodejné léky v léčbě infekcí vulvy a pochvy z pohledu ambulantního gynekologa // SOLEN

Praktické lekárnictvo 4/2017

OTC drugs to treat infections of the vulva and vagina view of outpatient gynecologist

Inflammation of the vulva and vagina is the most common gynecological problem in outpatient gyncologists.There is a difficult ecosystem of bacterias in vagina, which protects the vagina, but in case of disruption of this system appear difficulties and illness.The disease, the course, etiology and treatment also varies depending on the level of sex hormones whose levels significantly influences the composition of vaginal mikrobionty.Treatment is carried out by many women in the mode of self - treatment, where most of the affected women use antifungal preparations, which can be buied in pharmacies without prescribtion.Common outpatient gynecologist don ´t meet yeast infection as often as it might seem.It could be because of self - treatment of many women.More correct procedure in the prevention and treatment of incipient problems is to used preparations which help correct vaginal bacterias, mainly lactobacilas to grow.Women can buy a lot of vaginal probiotics and prebiotics, in case of typical mycotical discharge to use antimycotics.In the event that this treatment fails, it is necessary to go the gynecologist, who will evaluate the situation and puts the proper treatment.

Keywords: vaginal inflammation, yeast infection, antimycotics, vaginal probiotics, vaginal prebiotics