Pediatria pre prax 4/2011

Developmental speech and language disorders in children – new intervention approaches in early age

New knowledge about speech and language development offer us possibilities for early identification of children at risk for serious developmental disorder – specific language impairment. Until recently, such an early screaning was not possible as there were no reliable diagnostic tools suitable for early ages. Also, there was a presupposition that late onset of speech and language after 3 years of age still represents a normal language development but at the edge of normal distribution and that these children will later spontaneously catch up with their peers. Many children with late and risk development of speech and language were then left without necessary intervention. However, recent speech/language, psychological and linguistic research provides us with new and evidence-based knowledge about the signs of risk development of speech and language in young children and about new methods of early diagnostics, prevention and therapy.

Keywords: specific language impairment, late onset of speech and language development, early intervention, risk factors.