Vulvovaginitidy u dětí // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 1/2013

Vulvovaginitis in childhood

Vulvovaginatis is most common gynaecological illness in childhood. There are many factors which can be asociated with it. Gynaecological examination of children differs from examination of adult women and requires individual aproach. Inseparable part of the examination is vagynoscopy with collection of vaginal swab and lepex of stool. In children gynaecology of the sympthoms are corelated regardling to estrogenisation of the childs organism. Therapy of vulvovaginitis is based upon result of vaginal swab and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Keywords: vulvovaginitis, vagynoscopy, vaginal mucose, Lactobacillus acidophilus, vaginal fluor, antibiotic therapy, culture, hypermangan.