Pediatria pre prax 1/2016

Influence of human milk oligosaccharides on the gut microbiota of the newborn

The protective effect of breast milk was known from the beginning of the twentieth century, when mortality in breastfed infants was seven times lower than infants fed infant formula. Currently, despite the enormous progress in pediatric medicine is risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in formula-fed infants still higher than in breastfed infants. Recent studies indicate the development of atopy, diabetes mellitus, and childhood obesity of formula fed infants. Therefore, breast milk and its components are still being studied many scientists. Some mechanisms of its protective effects are not yet fully understood. Among the big unknown is structure and significance of human milk oligosaccharides. Why breast milk contains over 200 different structures of oligosaccharides and what are their functions?

Keywords: human milk oligosaccharides, gut microbiota, prebiotics, antimicrobial effects