Pediatria pre prax 5/2017

The effects of hippotherapy on motor and psychic functions of CP affected children and young persons

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is developed by damage to immature brain in early age. It affects mainly motor functions, but is connected also to sensory and sensitive disorders, as well as intellectual deficit and other complications. Hippotherapy (HT) is a horse-using treatment. It belongs to proprioceptive-neuromuscular-facilitative methods. Research concerning the effects of hippotherapy on development of motor and psychic functions of CP affected patients has been conducted recently. Using the optoelectronic system Vicon MX, analysis of the gait was carried out before commencement of HT sessions and after its ending, while attention and memory have been measured by psycho diagnostic tests. One case report out of twenty was chosen for illustrative purposes.

Keywords: cerebral palsy (CP), hippotherapy, gait, attention, memory