Pediatria pre prax 1/2010

Viral hepatitis A

Viral hepatitis A (VHA) is an acute inflammatory liver disease caused by the primary hepatotropic viruses of hepatitis A. The incidence of the disease 13,83 cases/100 000 inhabitants was reported in the Slovak Republic in 2008. Prolonged or relapsing disease lasting as long as 6 months can occur. Fulminant hepatitis is rare but is more common in people with underlying liver disease and in pregnant women. Chronic infection does not occur. Despite the fact that VHA is a self-limited disease having regular mild course, its epidemic occurrence represents/denotes a serious socio-economic problem in areas inhabited by the population of lower hygienic and social standards. At the present time, the disease can be prevented by the vaccination.

Keywords: viral hepatitis A, precautionary measures, vaccination.