Pediatria pre prax 6/2016

Virus infections and immunity support

Viral infections caused by pathogenic viruses are very diverse, but most commonly physicians are faced with viral respiratory tract infections in their clinics. If children suffer from frequent viral infections practitioners or specialists may also try to influence the reactivity of the immune system using immunomodulatory therapy. The main representatives of immunomodulators with antiviral effect are Isoprinosine and Imunor. We can take advantage of the immunomodulatory potential of bacterial immunomodulators, too. Sufficient level of vitamin D is also important for antiviral immunity and of course following a healthy lifestyle. The most effective preventive measure for the support of anti-infective immunity is vaccination. In case of the prevention of respiratory diseases it is the active immunization against influenza. Untreated allergic mucosa is particularly susceptible to develop recurrent viral infections, where it is present chronic allergic inflammation. Inflammatory process may be inhibited by antihistamines, preferably with immunomodulatory activity, mast cell stabilizers, leukotriene modifiers and inhaled corticosteroids.

Keywords: viral diseases, immunomodulation, anti-inflammatory therapy