Pediatria pre prax 6/2014

Urticaria – definition, etiopathogensis, classification, treatment

rticaria (hives, nettle-rash) is one of the skin diseases with a high prevalence in childhood and adulthood. The diagnosis is established on history and clinic picture with typical eruption – urticarial rash (wheals), which appear as erythematous swelling raised eruption with blanched center surrounded by a red base with itching. Weals appear in varying shapes and sizes anywhere on the body. Urticaria may present as acute, episodic or chronic urticaria, caused by different etiologies, the most common idiopatic. Treatment depends on the type of urticaria and it is based on removing the identified trigger factor. Otherwise treatment is symptomatic and aimed to control allergic reactions.

Keywords: urticaria, etiology, pathogenesis, classification, treatment.