Pediatria pre prax 2/2012

Effective treatment of respiratory disorders associated with cough in children

Cough in children has consistently been shown to be the commonest symptom for which parents consult physicians. Regarding duration cough is characterised as acute (< 2 weeks), protracted (2–4 weeks) and chronic (> 4 weeks). Most children with acute cough are likely to have a viral upper respiratory tract infection. The possibility of a more serious respiratory disorder should be always excluded. Children with chronic cough must be carefully evaluated and have chest x-ray performed. Cough may cause significant anxiety to parents, and use of inappropriate medications for cough is associated with a risk of adverse events. There are no effective medications for the symptomatic relief of cough in children. The goal of management in acute cough as a symptom of a more serious respiratory disorder, and in chronic cough is treatment of their underlying causes.

Keywords: cough, differential diagnosis, treatment, children.