Pediatria pre prax 4/2017

Scabies in children

Scabies is epidemic ectoparasitosis caused by human parasite Sarcoptes scabiei, var. hominis. The reservoir of a contagion is the man. The transmission of the disease is caused by direct or indirect contact. The incubation period ranges from two to three weeks. The disease is characterised by an intensive night pruritus. In childhood age we can find this disease very frequently. Diagnostics is based on positive night pruritus, clinical picture and demonstration of Sarcoptes scabiei in skin of ill person. The method of the first alternative at children there is permethrin and sulphur. Scabies is subordinated to the obligatory epidemiologic announcement. In the article we describe aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment and present legislation with precaution.

Keywords: scab, Sarcoptes scabiei, itch, diagnosis, therapy