Stravovacie návyky dojčiacich žien – výsledky dotazníkového prieskumu // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 3/2016

Eating habits of breastfeeding women – results of the questionnaire survey

Within the framework of the educational program “The first 1000 days of life” a pilote questionnaire survey was conducted to map the current eating habits of breastfeeding mothers. Were evaluated 1) answers of breastfeeding women to specific questions (136 entries) and 2) their declared nutrient intake (34 entries) voluntarily provided by them via an internet page. Though the responders claimed their effort to adapt their eating to the breastfeeding-related increased demands in order to protect the health of their child (80.4%), improve the quality and production of breast milk (more than 60% of mothers) and cover increased production of nutrients (42.9%), analysis of their daily nutrition intake revealed, despite the relatively small sample size, significant deficiencies in in certain macro- and micronutrients. The study highlighted the need for nutritional education of this target group with regard not only to the well-being of their child, but also for their own future health.

Keywords: breastfeeding, mothers, eating habits