Pediatria pre prax 1/2014

Slovakia in the context of elimination of measles in Europe

The article evaluates the current situation in measles occurrence in Slovakia and in WHO Euroregion, reasons why the goal of eliminating measles in Europe in 2010 was not met. Extensive outbreaks of measles in Europe revealed non sufficient vaccination coverage on subnational levels, non vaccinated certain groups of persons spreading infection (migrators, Roma population, religion groups, groups refusing vaccination) and non preparedness of countries to perform intensive surveillance of measles. Very good epidemiologic situation of measles in Slovakia, when no case has been notified since 2004 and sufficient vaccination coverage of children born before 2010, are emphasized. However, in this year vaccination coverage decreased in six districts below the level of 95 % and this must prompt pediatricians and epidemiologists to strengthen activity to maintain elimination of measles in our country.

Keywords: elimination of measles, Slovakia, WHO Euroregion, vaccination, herd immunity.