Pediatria pre prax 2/2023

Hip joint screening of children with spasticity and neuromuscular disorders

Children with muscle imbalance around the hip joint (spastic and hypotonic patients, children with neuromuscular diseases) are at risk of gradual subluxation or complete dislocation of the hip joint. Dislocation of the hip joint is associated with pain, worsening contractures around the hip, problems with sitting and walking, tilting of the pelvis and subsequent development of secondary scoliosis. In neglected long-term hip dislocation in spastic patients, treatment options are limited and often only palliative surgical procedures are available, burdened with higher postoperative morbidity and low success in terms of improving mobility and pain relief. In countries where systematic hip screening of children with high-risk diseases has been introduced, the incidence of dislocations has dropped to a minimum. Screening is proving to be an effective method in the prevention of dislocation. It helps improve the overall condition of the patient, reduces the number and complexity of orthopedic surgeries.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, neuromuscular disorders, muscle tone impairment, luxation of the hip joint