Pediatria pre prax S1/2010

Rotaviral infections – difficulties of specific as well as non-specific prevention

The authors present the analysis of the causes of failure of non-specific antiepidemic control measures focused at rotaviral infections. Environmental viral stability, its resistance to a variety of biocides, high infectivity and low infection dose are being discussed. Low effectivity of non-specific control measures aimed at environmental hygiene, food hygiene, water and hand hygiene explain why is the incidence of this disease equally high in developed as well as in developing countries. The introduction of preventive vaccination reduced significantly numbers of hospitalised children due to this diagnosis and resulted into significantly positive public-health effect. Seasonal epidemic waves became shorter and flatter. The main impediment for wider vaccine use in many countries is its high cost. Therefore it is necessary to look for the ways how to enable vaccination of the most endangered children and gradually implement this kind of vaccination into all-country immunisation programme.

Keywords: rotaviral infections, vaccination, non-specific antiepidemic control measures, risk groups.