Psychické reakce dětských obětí sexuálního zneužívání a znásilnění // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 3/2012

Psychological reactions of child victims of sexual abuse and rape

Sexual abuse and rape are very serious disturbances of a child’s life with both immediate and delayed psychological effects similar to those following other traumas, but not uncommonly with a more severe course and a specific development disorder. Nonspecific reactions include acute reaction to stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and persistent personality change. Specific effects are sexualization, impaired sexual life and ability to establish and maintain partner relationships, and suicidal behaviour. Treatment is possible, but victims often refuse it. Accusation of sexual abuse is false in only 5–10%; however, children often withdraw their accusation under the pressure of their surroundings. Secondary victimization of the victim may occur during investigation. Eight case reports are presented.

Keywords: sexual abuse, rape, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexualization, personality development disorder, suicide.