Prvé skúsenosti s domácou liečbou subkutánnymi imunoglobulínmi // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 6/2011

Initial experience with subcutaneous immunoglobulin home therapy

Replacement immunoglobulin therapy is absolutely indicated in patients with significant defects of IgG antibody production and clinical signs of immunodeficiency. These patients have long-term reduced quality of life due to repeated infectious and non-infectious complications, but also due to circumstances associated with intravenous application of immunoglobulins in medical facilities. In a retrospective analysis we evaluated the quality of life in 9 patients with clinically severe hypogammaglobulinemia during the intravenous treatment and 6 months after initiation of home subcutaneous therapy. Our initial clinical experience has shown that subcutaneous home treatment has the advantage of greater flexibility in the immunoglobulin administration, is safe and significantly reduces adverse events associated with intravenous therapy. Children and adults regardless of their achieved educational level can manage the home therapy after individual training by a professional staff.

Keywords: intravenous immunoglobulin, subcutaneous immunoglobulin, primary immunodeficiency, quality of life